Bosco Boys Home, Borivali from Mumbai Province was honored with ‘Best Node of Homelink Network’ in Mumbai Province on 13th September 2018 at the Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk 13th Annual National Seminar 2018 held at the Provincial House: Nitika Don Bosco, Kolkata. Bosco Boys Home, Borivali was chosen out of 22 centers for this esteemed award. Fr. Corlis Gonsalves, the Director and Mr. Datta Gade, Node Coordinator of CHILD MISS of the Bosco Boys Home accepted the Award. The Award is conferred in recognition and appreciation of an Institution that excels in the service of the Young at Risk (YaR) by the Don Bosco National Forum. The award meant the appreciation given to BBH for their meticulous handwork in ‘updating documentation’ and ‘Registers’ on regular basis.
Bosco Boys Home was set up in 1976 with the sole purpose of transforming the lives of underprivileged youth, school dropouts and street orphans through education and vocational training to help them acquire a skill for a decent livelihood. The Award ceremony was part of the 13th Annual National YaR Seminar on “BUILDING RESILIENCE IN CHILDREN”. The main purpose of YaR forum at National Level is to “Imagine a world where every child, every young person lives safe and grows towards fullness of life.’ Nearly 150 participants from all the Don Bosco Institutions in India attended the 2 day seminar. Most of these participants were Salesian Fathers, Sisters, Staff, and Collaborator. This event was open to Members of DB YaR Forum& Collaborators in YaR Ministry.
Mr. Datta Gade, Node Coordinator of CHILD MISS from Bosco Boys Home remarked that “Every YaR centre reaches out to the deprived, marginalized and vulnerable children/youth such as children on the streets, child labourers, runaway and untracked children, abandoned and orphaned children, victims of all kinds of abuses, rag pickers, child beggars etc. Bosco Boys Home ensures that every child at the Institute grows in secure and enabling environment by building resilience in them and helping them to grow into good and honest members of the society.”